Anne McGuire
Program Director, Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity
New College Academic Programs, Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity (CSES) WE 133, Academic Programs
Director, Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity
Professor McGuire’s areas of teaching and research draw on interpretive perspectives in critical disability studies, queer/crip theory, cultural studies, child studies, feminist science and technology studies, and theories of anti-racism, colonialism and governmentality to focus on questions of human vitality and precarity. Her current research traces the emergence of broad spectrum approaches to health and illness and reads these against the backdrop of neoliberal social and economic policies. Professor McGuire’s 2016 monograph, War on Autism: On the Cultural Logic of Normative Violence (University of Michigan Press), received the 2015 Tobin Siebers Prize for Disability Studies in the Humanities. She was the 2016 recipient of the June Larkin Award for Pedagogical Development for her work on advancing access in post-secondary classrooms.
Areas of Interest
- Critical disability studies
- Disability justice
- Crip theory
- Neoliberal politics of health/mental health
- Theories of normalcy
- Child studies, disabled children/childhoods
- Accessible pedagogies
Courses Taught:
- Introduction to Disability Studies
- Equity and the Body
- Disability and the Child
- Theorizing Normalcy and the Mundane
- Contemporary Theories in Disability Studies
Research and Publications
McGuire, Anne (2016). War on Autism: On the Cultural Logic of Normative Violence. Ann Arbour: University of Michigan Press. 274 pages.
Co-Edited Volumes
Fritsch, Kelly and Anne McGuire. (2018) Special issue of Feminist Formations on “Queer/Crip Contagions” 30(1). 247 pages.
Creative Works:
Fritsch, Kelly, Anne McGuire, and Eduardo Trejos (2021). We Move Together [children’s book]. Chico, CA: AK Press.
Journal articles:
Russell, Francis and Anne McGuire (2021). “How Risk is Shared: An Interview with Anne McGuire,” Culture, Theory and Critique. 61(4): 481-494.
Fritsch, Kelly and Anne McGuire (2019). “Risk and the Spectral Politics of Disability”. Body & Society. 25(4), 29-54.
Fritsch, Kelly and Anne McGuire. 2018. “The Biosocial Politics of Queer/Crip Contagions.” Feminist Formations 30(1): vii-xiv.
McGuire, Anne (2017). De-regulating Disorder: On the rise of the ‘Spectrum’ as a Neoliberal Metric of Human Value. Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies. 11(4): 403-421.
McGuire, Anne (2013). “Buying time: The s/pace of advocacy and the cultural production of autism.” Canadian Journal of Disability Studies. 2.3: 98-124.
McGuire, Anne (2012). “Representing autism: A sociological examination of autism advocacy.” Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture and Social Justice. 35.2: 62-71.
McGuire, Anne & Rod Michalko (2011). “Minds between us: Autism, mindblindness and the uncertainty of communication.” Journal of Educational Philosophy and Theory. 43.2: 162–177.
McGuire, Anne (2010). “Disability, non-disability and the politics of mourning: Rethinking the ‘we’.” Disability Studies Quarterly. 30.3/4: np.
2019 Arts and Science Teaching and Learning Fellowship
2019 Early Career Teaching Award
2016 June Larkin Award for Pedagogical Development
2015 Tobin Siebers Prize for Disability Studies in the Humanities for War on Autism, University of Michigan