Writing at the University of Toronto Website
This website offers many excellent handouts about academic writing written by writing centre instructors. It also includes information about writing courses and programs, annotated bibliographies of useful books on writing, and links to other online resources. Check out the “News” page for the latest information about writing support.
Undergraduate Research at New College
If you are undertaking an independent research project or simply want to learn more about the research process, try browsing through some of the resources on this webpage. The page also has some useful resources for faculty teaching research courses.
Vocabulary Expansion Accelerator
Use this electronic tool to help you learn vocabulary quickly, while also doing your readings. Gain greater familiarity with common academic words and use your own readings to test and enhance your innate sense of English grammar.
Help with Documentation
Our colleagues over at University of Toronto Scarborough have developed a range of short handouts featuring some common documentation systems: APA, ASA, CBE, Vancouver, CSE, MLA and Chicago. (They also have some useful online presentations on getting started in university writing.) For a handy online citation manager, take a look at ZoteroBib or ZBib.