At first glance, the thought of financing a university education might be overwhelming. It need not be. The New College Registrar’s Office is here to offer help and assistance.
Our priority is to provide you with the best possible financial service and counselling in support of your educational goals. The Registrar’s Office provides confidential advising appointments, emergency assistance, help with financial planning, and information concerning need-based scholarships, bursaries and student loans.
New College has a wide range of financial aid programs to assist with funding your education. Our scholarships, need-based scholarships, and bursaries provide numerous awards to qualified students.
Scholarships and Awards
Scholarships, awards, and prizes are provided by New College, the University, and by many other donors and are usually awarded based on academic performance. A full list and descriptions of scholarships and awards offered by New College can be found on Award Explorer , the University of Toronto’s new awards system. Award Explorer is a centralized, searchable database from admissions to in-course and graduating awards. It supplements existing resources and aims to make it easier for you to explore awards at U of T.
U of T has comprehensive scholarship programs that recognizes outstanding achievement at different levels of study. The University, its colleges, faculties and divisions award approximately 5,000 admission scholarships that total nearly $23 million and nearly 5,800 in-course awards each year.
New College awards approximately 140 in-course scholarships annually to students who excel in their university academic work as well in areas of leadership and co-curricular involvement. The majority of these scholarships are awarded automatically to eligible students but some awards require application. You can learn more about this scholarships and awards here.
These require achievement in other areas such as leadership, artistic endeavors or athletics. Some are awarded on admission to the University, based on secondary school performance, others are awarded in-course, on the basis of university performance.
Each scholarship has specific eligibility criteria, please read these details carefully before applying. Applications are submitted through MSForms which requires login via a U of T Office 365 account.
Scholarships open for application from all U of T Arts and Science students:
The David Clandfield Scholarship in Scholarly Activism is open for application.
Application deadline: Monday, January 13, 2025 at 12:00 pm (ET), noon.
Award Eligibility: Open to all students in the Faculty of Arts and Science enrolled in Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity or Equity Studies majors who demonstrate potential to contribute to social justice issues through scholarly informed activism.
Award Value: approximately $1000
Applications are submitted through MS Forms which requires login via a UTmail+ account.
Apply Here:
Learn how you can apply for the David Clandfield Scholarship in Scholarly Activism through this recorded workshop.
Please note: Video was recorded in 2021. Dates and deadlines mentioned do not apply.
The Dr. Wayne Roberts Memorial Scholarship is open for application.
Application deadline: Monday, January 13, 2025 at 12:00 pm (EST), noon.
Award Eligibility: New College student(s) in their 3rd and/or 4th year enrolled in the Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity Program who demonstrate excellence in food equity scholarship and/or leadership in food equity initiatives.
Award Value: 3-4 awards at $500-1000
Applications are submitted through MS Forms which requires login via a UTmail+ account.
Apply Here:
Scholarships Open For Application From New College Students:
New College offers awards to celebrate students who have made significant contributions to the college and/or greater community through co-curricular activities. Applicants must be New College students and the awards have varying eligibility criteria and value.
Admission Scholarships
All New College applicants are considered for scholarships at the time an offer of admission to the Faculty of Arts and Science is made. The offer of admission that you receive will indicate if you are being awarded a New College scholarship. U of T attracts a large volume of excellent students each year making awards fairly competitive.
I’ve received an admission scholarship! Now what?
Students receiving a New College admission scholarship for the 2024-2025 Fall/Winter Session should note the following terms & conditions:
- This award is tenable during the 2024-2025 Fall/Winter Session only
- During this period, you must remain registered with New College as a full-time student in the Faculty of Arts & Science, University of Toronto
- Acceptance of your offer of admission from the University of Toronto will confirm acceptance of the scholarship offer
- Detailed information about the name of the scholarship and payment arrangements will be sent to you in the fall by New College
In-Course Scholarships
New College awards approximately 140 in-course scholarships annually to students who excel in their university academic work. No applications are required. Many outstanding New College students also win awards from the Faculty of Arts and Science and the University. Awards are made in November and are based on academic results from the previous Fall/Winter Session.
New College Principals’ Graduation Awards
This award is given to six top scholars from the November and June graduating class each year. Awards of $1000 are distributed across Honours Bachelor of Science, Honours Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce degree recipients.
New Leaders Scholarship
One (1) Gold Leader Scholarship of $10,000 and two (2) Leadership Scholarships of $5,000 will be awarded to exceptional all-round New College students who are in their final year of an undergraduate degree with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.30 (B+). In addition to academic and personal achievements, the Selection Committee will also take into account contributions made to the New College community, the University, and the local community.
Applications are available on the New College Graduate Guide Quercus Course.
Other Sources of Financial Aid
There are a wide variety of financial aid sources available to U of T students. Find more information and some FAQs about financial aid here.
OSAP/Student Loans
The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is a government financial aid program made up of a mix of grants and loans. Once you apply and qualify for OSAP, you’ll be considered automatically for other sources of funding, like University of Toronto Financial Aid (UTAPS). Visit the U of T Financial Aid website for more information and apply for OSAP here.
Grants and Bursaries
Applications for grants or bursaries (need-based awards) are available in the New College Registrar’s Office and on ACORN beginning October 1st. All grant applicants are interviewed in person by one of the Registrars. Over 300 New College students receive assistance through University of Toronto Undergraduate Grants, which are awarded to supplement OSAP or other cases of financial need. The College also makes awards from its own grant and bursary funds and emergency loans are available in special cases.
- Edmondson-Mason Loan and Bursary Fund
- Frank Lay and Pearl Standish Bursary Fund
- Hope for Children Foundation Scholarship
- New College Principal’s Bursary Fund
- New College Programs’ Bursary Fund
- New College Student Council Bursaries
- Rea, Robert and Norm Paterson Bursary
- Irving and Florence Rother Bursaries
- Elizabeth Waddell Bursary Fund
Click here for the 2022-2022 Orientation Subsidy Application Form