Borrowing and circulation

See Loan Services for more details 


Borrower StatusLoan periods Maximum Potential Loan PeriodItem limit
Undergraduate students 14 daysUnlimited50
Graduate students 90 daysUnlimited200
Staff 90 daysUnlimited200
Faculty members90 daysUnlimited200
Direct borrowers14 days42 days100
Research readers14 days42 days100
Alumni Readers14 days14 days, i.e., no renewals25
Continuing studies students14 daysUnlimited50

Short Term Loan Print Items

Loan periods vary for print books between 3, 5, 24, and 72 hours. Be sure to check your library account for an accurate list of due dates for each item.


TechnologyLoan Periods
Laptop72 hours
Laptop sleeve72 hours
Laptop charger72 hours
Charging cables24 hours
Battery Packs24 hours
Scientific Calculators24 hours


  • Fines are charged at the rate of $0.50 / day per book.
  • Fines on Course Reserves books or Tech items are $0.50 / hour per item.
  • Fines for recalled books are $2.00 / day per book.

Library privileges will be withheld when fines are $25 or more.

Pay fines:

  • In person: not available currently
  • Sign in to LibrarySearch and pay fines from your account

Please note that medical or other documentation is normally required to reduce or forgive fines. Without documentation, fines are normally not excused for the following reasons:

  • Did not renew item on time
  • Forgot the due date
  • Did not receive a courtesy or overdue notice
  • Was not able to renew online
  • Was unaware of library policies
  • Borrowed the item for someone else
  • Returned late by someone else
  • Did not report TCard stolen

Course reserves

Materials placed on course reserve by a professor are shelved behind the circulation desk and normally circulate for three hours. If multiple copies are available, some copies may circulate for twenty four, or seventy two hours.

Lost Books

Lost books and / or accompanying media are subject to a $145 replacement charge at most libraries. The library reserves the right to charge fines in addition to the replacement cost.

Payment of fines or replacement of lost materials is handled on a case-by-case basis. The DG Ivey library follows the University of Toronto libraries policies on lost materials.