New College Council (NCC)
The NCC is the governing body of New College. It is responsible for the general direction of the College and presides over administrative, budgetary and academic matters. The Council meets quarterly to discuss College business and priorities. Chaired by Tyson Seburn, Assistant Director – Academic Office in the International Foundations Program, the Council is composed of approximately 40 faculty, administrators, staff and students.
Click here for agendas and minutes of previous NCC meetings.
Office of the Principal
300 Huron Street, Room 109
New College, University of Toronto
Toronto, ON, Canada, M5S 3J6
Phone Number: 416-978-2461 / Fax Number: 416-978-4345

Robert Gazzale
Principal of New College
Professor Robert Gazzale was educated in the United States, earning a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service with a focus in international economics from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. He then completed his PhD in economics at the University of Michigan in 2004.
After eight years in the Department of Economics at Williams College, Professor Gazzale joined the University of Toronto in 2012 where he is currently Professor, Teaching Stream and formerly the Associate Chair of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Economics.
In 2022, he received an Arts and Science Outstanding Teaching Award for his dedication to enhancing student learning and experience, notably reflected through efforts during the pandemic to develop in-person learning opportunities and optimize the transition to online learning. Professor Gazzale’s university service includes the Academic Board (since 2022) and the Planning and Budget Committee (since 2023). He has also held visiting and advising positions at George Mason University and the Ragnar Frisch Centre at the University of Oslo.
Professor Gazzale’s research has investigated decision-making in a variety of contexts. Most recently, he has looked at how an individual’s willingness to take prosocial actions depends on whether others do the same and whether individuals view monetary contributions of others differently than direct action. His pedagogical research has looked at the effect of in-class participation in economic games, markets and experiments on learning outcomes.
Past Principals of New College
Dickson Eyoh (Interim) 2023-2024
Bonnie McElhinny 2017 – 2023
Yves Roberge 2010 – 2017
Shahrzad Mojab (Interim) 2009 – 2010
Rick Halpern 2006 – 2009
David Clandfield 1996 – 2006
Frederick Case 1991 – 1996
Guy Hamel (Interim) 1990 – 1991
Edward Chamberlin 1985 – 1990
Robert Lockhart 1979 – 1985
Andrew Baine – 1974 – 1979
Donald Ivey 1963 – 1974