What does the Registrar’s Office do?

The Registrar’s Office is here to help and advise New College students

People will be encouraged to come to this office first with any questions about academic, financial and other matters, and to report any problems as soon as they occur. At the New College Registrar’s office, students can access a wide variety of information, help, and referrals. The Registrar’s Office can explain and clarify university regulations and requirements. Counsellors assist in monitoring students’ progress toward their degree, present their options in choosing courses and programs of study, and offer support for any concerns about course work and academic standing. They can advise about career plans and provide guidance in qualifying for and applying to professional schools such as Medicine, Dentistry, Law and Education.

The office is a chief source of financial counselling and assistance.
Grant applicants are invited to have a talk with one of the Registrars and all possibilities for aid are explored. Information on scholarships is available, both on the bulletin board and by enquiring from a counsellor.

Special academic consideration may be applied for through the Registrar’s Office.
If students encounter difficulties in following a particular regulation of the Faculty of Arts and Science, whether because of academic need, illness or other circumstances, they should make an appointment to consult a counsellor as soon as possible after the problem occurs. The Registrar’s Office (and the course instructor) should be notified immediately if, because of illness or another reason, a student has missed tests or a number of classes, is seriously late with assignments, or has any other major problem. Formal petitions regarding final examinations must be made through the Registrar’s Office no later than three business days after the exam date (effective September 1, 2024).

General Inquiries

In-Person Front Desk:  300 Huron Street, Room 107

Monday to Friday:  9:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 4:00pm (open Wednesday at 10am)

By Email

Email:  newcollege.registrar@utoronto.ca

Please email us from your UTmail+ account and always include your full name and student number.  We endeavour to reply within 3 to 5 weekdays.

By Phone

Phone:  416-978-2460

Monday to Friday:  9:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 4:00pm (open Wednesday at 10am)

***These hours may vary due to available staff resources.*** 

Registrarial Services

Academic Advising

The New College Registrar’s Office is the centre for information and advice of all kinds. From admission to graduation, students are encouraged to make it their home base by asking any and all questions and concerns to the friendly and knowledgeable registrarial staff. Individual appointments are readily available. The range of counselling support offered is very wide. Visit the Academic Advising page for more detailed information.


Degree students who have not been registered in the Faculty for at least 12 months and who have completed at least one course in the Faculty, or students who were last registered as non-degree students, must submit an application for re-registration through their College Registrar’s Office in order to course enrol. 

2025 Summer Session Instructions
Complete online our 2025 Summer Session Re-registration Application form.

Academic Resources

New College students can connect with the Registrar’s Office for a wide range of academic resources and services.

Financial Assistance and Counselling

The Registrar’s Office provides confidential advising appointments, emergency assistance, help with financial planning, and information concerning need-based scholarships, bursaries and student loans. Learn more about financial assistance available to New College students.

Academic and Personal Records

The New College Registrar’s Office helps students to maintain correct academic and personal records and is pleased to deal with any questions or concerns; but ensuring that records are up-to-date in the University system is the student’s responsibility. It is important and in one’s own interests to make sure that this is done, since incorrect or obsolete records may result in serious consequences: name missing from class-lists, wrong grade report, reduced or no fees refund, and even ineligibility to graduate. The Faculty of Arts and Science publishes a schedule of deadlines which must be met for recording adds, drops and changes in various categories of records.

Students will normally use ACORN for their academic and personal records transactions. Transactions which must be made through the Registrar’s Office include changes of name and status in Canada.

Transcripts of Record

If you are applying for admission to another University for next year, official transcripts of your academic record will be required. (If you are applying to another division of the U of T, check the instructions about transcripts: some divisions/departments can access your record directly, others require you to submit a transcript.) Transcripts may also be necessary to support applications for graduate scholarships, or may be requested from you by prospective employers. Check deadlines carefully and begin the application process in time.

Please note that the College Registrar’s Office does not issue transcripts. Transcripts are ordered through ACORN (this is the fastest method) or at the U of T Transcript Centre in the Faculty Registrar’s Office, Room 1006, Sidney Smith Hall. Please allow 8-10 days for processing of transcript requests and also time for mailing to the recipient.

Transcripts do not include your secondary school record or grades in courses from other institutions or divisions for which you received credit on admission. You must request these transcripts separately. Please also note that transcripts are not issued for students who owe fees from a previous session or who owe library fines.

Information for Graduating Students

If you are preparing to graduate, the Registrar’s Office can help you ensure you have met all your requirement to graduate and guide you through this process. More information can be found here.

Registrar's Office Quercus Page

The New College Registrar's Office has created a Quercus page for all registered students that provides comprehensive information on how to connect with the New College Registrar's Office, the services we provide, and important academic deadlines and announcements.

Check in often for updates and important information.

Login to Quercus