CSES offers students a wide variety of activities, groups, programs, and learning opportunities to support their studies.
The Equity Studies Student Union (ESSU) is an award-winning, and passionate student group whose members work throughout the year to provide extra-curricular events that complement students’ in-class education. Through cross-campus organizing, community/university events, and the annual publication of ROVE (an undergraduate journal showcasing CSES student work), ESSU has a key role in making CSES a critical hub of social justice activity on campus.
Website: www.uoftessu.com
Contact: uoft.essu@gmail.com
Follow the Equity Student Union on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
ROVE: CSES’s Undergraduate Student Journal
Check out the inaugural issue here
Contact: uoft.essu@gmail.com
Knots: An Undergraduate Journal of Disability Studies
Knots is a peer-reviewed journal that highlights work by undergraduate students, work that moves beyond normative biomedical conceptions of disability and contributes to the development and growth of disability studies as a field. The journal’s undergraduate editorial board is open to the widest array of topics that contribute to disability studies and to the continued examination and deconstruction of ableism. Submissions in the forms of essays, creative writing, book and film reviews, as well as art pieces are welcome. Submissions are not limited to students from the University of Toronto.
Contact: knots.submission@gmail.com
Follow Knots on Instagram and Facebook
Disability Studies Speaker Series
For over 15 years, the Disability Studies Speaker Series lectures or performances have showcased local and international disability studies scholars, artists and activists, both established and emergent. CSES students are regularly involved in planning and hosting these campus/community events. Past events have featured filmmaker and disability activist Simi Linton, Mel Chen (Berkeley), Sins Invalid, Eunjung Kim (Syracuse), Rosemarie Garland Thompson (Emery), David Mitchell (George Washington University) and many others.
Belize Food and Indigeneity Program
Every year, New College sends a group of students to Belize for a week to study Indigenous food sovereignty under the guidance of Dr. Filiberto Peñados, an internationally recognized scholar of Indigenous studies, at the Center for Engaged Learning Abroad (CELA). Peñados acts as the students’ guide when they visit the country to study complex and far-ranging topics through the lens of Indigenous food production. Activities include visiting farms, community organizations, historical sites and attending talks to learn about sustainability issues related to indigeneity and food.
CAESS Writing group
The Writing Group brings together students in Caribbean, African, and Critical Equity and Solidarity Studies with faculty from these three programs, the writing centre, and the Ivey Library. The group meets every other Friday for intensive, productive and fun afternoons in which all members work on their own current projects. Students can also consult with faculty and each other about their papers and projects. Bring work from any course you are taking. Eligible for CCR validation.
For more information: email marci.prescott@utoronto.ca.