Teaching & Research Awards  


Prof. Chandni Desai receives a Social Science Humanities and Research Council Insight Development Grant (SSHRC IDG) for her project “Transnational Cultural Solidarities: AfroAsian Pasts, Present, and Futures” 

Prof. Chandni Desai’s research project “Tracing Legacies: Afro-Asian Transnationalism during Third World Decolonization and the Cold War” is selected for the Jackman Humanities Scholars in Residence program 

Prof. Chandni Desai is the recipient of the Ranjini (Rini) Ghosh Excellence in Teaching Award (ASSU).

Prof. June Larkin wins the Carol Crealock Memorial Award from the Canadian Association for the Study of Women and Education (CASWE). Announcement here

Prof. Chandni Desai receives the Canadian Committee of Graduate Students in Education (CCGSE) Mentorship Award. Announcement here.  


Prof. Anne McGuire receives a University of Toronto Early Career Teaching Award for her work developing accessible teaching practices. U of T News article here. 

Prof. Chandni Desai awarded the June Larkin Award for Pedagogical Development for her project, “Teaching Revolution and Global Radicalism”.


Prof. Stan Doyle Wood is awarded the Eagle Feather presented at the University of Toronto’s 2017 Pow Wow 


Prof. Anne McGuire awarded the June Larkin Award for Pedagogical Development for her project The Pedagogical Promise of Disability: Building and Sustaining Accessible University Classrooms.

Prof. Anne McGuire wins Tobin Siebers book prize for Disability Studies in the Humanities for her monograph War on Autism: On the Cultural Logic of Normative Violence (University of Michigan Press). Announcement here.   


Prof. June Larkin wins 3M National Teaching fellowship. Announcement here.  

Prof. Stan Doyle-Wood awarded the Terry Buckland Award for Diversity and Equity in Education 

Faculty publications and creative/pedagogical projects 

Content coming soon!