Dr. Nisrin Elamin Joins Anthropology, African Studies, New College

African Studies and New College are delighted to announce the hiring of Dr. Nisrin Elamin, 75% anthropology/25% African Studies/New College. 

Nisrin Elamin received her PhD in Anthropology from Stanford University in 2020. Her doctoral research was an ethnographic examination of the ways Saudi and Emirati corporate investments in land reconfigured everyday social relations between landless and landholding stakeholders in central Sudan. Through support from the Social Science Research Council, Wenner-Gren, and the National Science Foundation she conducted research in local courts, farming communities, investor conferences, agribusiness farms, government ministries, and in the mosques of Sufi religious leaders mediating land disputes in the aftermath of large-scale land enclosures. Nisrin has published scholarly articles in Critical African Studies and the Project on Middle East Political Science Journal. She has also published a number of op-eds for Al Jazeera, the Washington Post, and the Cultural Anthropology Hot Spot Series. Before pursuing her PhD, Nisrin spent over a decade working in community organizing, international solidarity, and youth development in the US and in Tanzania. Her proudest achievement is being a parent to a 2-year-old, who shares her love of chocolate, afrobeat, and spending time in public parks and gardens.

Dr. Elamin will join the university on July 1, 2022.