New College Residence was the first college to provide a home to students from all undergraduate faculties and the first to integrate residential, food, academic and administrative functions within its buildings.  At the heart of the College’s founding vision is the integration of living and learning under one roof.  New College’s long-term commitment to diversity and equity is reflected in our academic programs, in our interest in building a strong residence community, and in our mandate to provide a supportive and secure environment.

We have a total of 21 Dons working across 3 buildings (Wilson Hall, Wetmore Hall and 45 Willcocks Residence).  Dons live in the residence and each Don is responsible for offering support, leadership and guidance to approximately 40-50 undergraduate students as well as being an active participant in the residence and college community.

Please note that this is a unionized position as part of the USW 1998 Local – Residence College Dons Unit.

General Information

New College primarily houses students in the Faculty Arts and Science as well as a limited number of students from Professional Faculties. The first-year to upper-year ratio is approximately 70:30.

Remuneration includes a suite suitable for single accommodation (which includes a living room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchenette) and a full meal plan (early September to end of April).

Each Residence Don is responsible for a ‘House’ of approximately 40-50 students.

New College Residence Dons work under the guidance of the Office of Residence and Student Life and report directly to the Assistant Dean, Residence Life.

Position Information, Requirements, and Expectations

All Residence Dons are required to attend a full-time two-week training program during August.

All Residence Dons are required to move into residence in August 2023 (tentative).

Contracts start in August 2023 and run until May 2024.

Residence Dons act as role models and engaged community leaders and play an active role in building community.

Residence Dons are required to actively support residence council initiatives and plan their own program of community building and educational events/activities for their House and the residence community.

Residence Dons are expected to respond to emergencies in their own Houses and to serve as “Don-on-Duty” for all three (3) New College Residence buildings for three (3) to six (6) nights a month (in rotation), including weekends and holidays.

Residence Dons need to be a consistent and supportive presence in the residence community.

Residence Dons are not academic tutors but do provide some academic assistance to residents.

Residence Dons are expected to set aside one evening a week when they will be available for approximately 3 hours in the evening for students to drop in to discuss problems or just talk to their Don.


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