Looking to get connected with the New College community? Join SPROUT: Mentorship @ NEW, where you will get connected to an upper year New College student! Your Mentor will help ease the transition into university life by answering your questions and helping you locate the appropriate resources. 

Let’s Talk Days 

In effort to foster connection and support for all New College students, Let’s Talk Days have a wellness focus, helping you to unwind and reconnect. This program draws on a seven dimension model of wellness and wellbeing, so there’s something for everyone. 

House Socials 

Twice per semester, your SPROUT Mentors and our senior student leaders will organize social events for everyone in your House! These are fun events for you to stop by, make some new friends (or see old ones!), and connect with other people in your House. Build some House pride and come by! 

All-House Socials 

Twice a year, all three Houses will join forces for larger social events. Want to know what life is like in Bolt House? Or Ray? Or Oak? Wonder no longer!