Previous Community Engaged Learning Faculty

Christopher Ramsaroop
Community Engaged Learning Coordinator

Phone: 647-834-4932

Chris Ramsaroop is working to complete his PhD at OISE/University of Toronto. His area of research examines the role of resistance by migrant farm workers in Canada. Chris is also an organizer with Justicia for Migrant Workers. He is also an instructor in the Caribbean Studies Program at the University of Toronto and a clinic instructor at the University of Windsor, Faculty of Law. Justicia for Migrant Workers is a grassroots activist collective that has been organizing with migrant workers for nearly 20 years. Justicia’s work is based on building long term trust and relationships with migrant workers and includes: engaging in direct actions, working with workers to resist at work, launching precedent setting legal cases, and organizing numerous collective actions. He is the incoming director for the CEL program.