There is no direct enrollment in these courses. You must:

  • Apply to the positions you are interested in and, if successful, the hosting organization will offer you a placement. You will then be enrolled directly by the CEL administration or,
  • Contact the CEL coordinator at to express interest in joining the program. You will be assessed by the CEL coordinator, enrolled in the course and matched with a partner organization afterwards.

CEL offers a variety of ways for students to participate in the program. Students may:

  • Apply to a virtual placement.
  • Apply to the course without a placement.
  • Do a community research project in collaboration with a community organization, and will be invited to speak on their project during the Spring Symposium.

In order to offer students a robust experience in community engagement, we will be inviting guests from partner organizations to speak in class about their work and community involvement.

Thank you for your patience in this process. We are working with the summer schedules of our partner organizations and sometimes things come together just before the start of term.