Building Services

Residence services help make living in residence comfortable and easy.

Wilson Hall Front Desk

Address: 40 Willcocks Street, main entrance (inside the sliding doors)
Phone Number: 416-978-8877
Hours: Monday – Sunday, 23 hours a day (closed: 3:00am-4:00am)

The Front Desk serves residents in Wilson Hall, Wetmore Hall, and 45 Willcocks.

If you encounter issues in residence, talk to the helpful staff at the Front Desk and they will refer you to the appropriate resources.

You can find more information about services provided by the Front Desk below.

Mail and Packages

The Wilson Hall Front Desk receives mail and packages for residents in:

  • Wilson Hall;
  • Wetmore Hall;
  • 45 Willcocks.

Residents are expected to regularly check their assigned mailbox for mail. Residents will be notified when a package has been received and can be collected.

Delivery Policies

> Label mail and packages with your full name, your building address, and your room or mailbox number.

> The Front Desk does not accept packages weighing over 10kg (22lbs). Heavier packages should be delivered to a parcel depot for pickup or residents should arrange to meet the delivery outside the building.

> The Front Desk does not accept federally or provincially controlled substances (requiring proof of age and signature upon delivery), such as alcohol and cannabis.

> The Front Desk does not accept packages requiring cash on delivery (such as duties owing).

> The Front Desk does not hold mail for students before they check in to residence or after they check out. If you have accidentally sent mail to New College after your check out, contact

Food Deliveries

The Front Desk does not accept perishable items such as grocery or food deliveries (such as UberEats).

Residents are responsible for meeting delivery drivers outside their building.

Mailing Address

When ordering mail and packages to residence, include your full name and room number (or mailbox number) in the delivery address. This is critical for helping the Front Desk identify the correct recipient.

Mailing Addresses

Wilson Hall
40 Willcocks Street
Toronto, ON, Canada
M5S 1C6

Wetmore Hall
21 Classic Ave
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 2Z3

New College III (45 Willcocks)
45 Willcocks Street
Toronto, ON, Canada
M5S 1C7

For residents who are not in Wilson Hall, you can use your own building address and your mail will still be delivered to the Wilson Hall Front Desk.

Maintenance Requests

If you require maintenance in your room or notice an issue in a common space, visit the Front Desk to report the issue.

You will be asked to fill out a Service Request Form to notify the maintenance staff, who will then investigate the problem.

Examples of Maintenance Requests

  • Heating or cooling issues;
  • Burnt-out lightbulbs;
  • Smoke detectors beeping;
  • Electrical outlets not working;
  • Door battery replacements;
  • Bed height adjustments;
  • Clogged sinks;
  • Toilets not flushing;
  • Appliance repairs (laundry rooms, washrooms, common rooms);
  • Pest sightings.
Lost Keys and Room Lock-Outs

If you lock yourself out of your room or lose your keys, visit the Front Desk to sign out the backup key.

Internet Access

Full wireless internet access is available on all residence floors in all three buildings. Access is also available in the public areas of New College.

Getting Connected in Your Room

All rooms are equipped with Wi-Fi and most have a ResNet connection for each resident. These allow complimentary access to the University’s computing network and, through the University network, to the Internet.

For information about the wireless networks and how to create an account, visit the U of T Information Commons Help Desk website.

Please note, wireless routers are not permitted in residence.

New College IT Support

The College’s local IT group provides basic troubleshooting support to get you connected and computing. 

If you encounter issues with the internet in your residence room, contact the IT team. The IT Office is located in Wetmore Hall, Room 77 (in the basement) and can be contacted at 416-946-8368.  An on-duty IT specialist will be able to assist you.

You can also complete the reporting form for issues on their website, under “Students and Guests in Residence” and the IT team will investigate the problem.

Bike Room

Bike storage is available for New College residents free of charge from September to April.

Bike Room

New College has a secure bike room in Wilson Hall where bicycles can be stored.

Spaces are limited and available on a first-come first-serve basis. The room is only available to New College Fall-Winter residents. If you have questions, contact

Bike Room Application

To request bike room access, complete the application below. Make sure to have the following information before starting the application:

  • Bicycle make, model and colour
  • Bicycle Serial Number
Electric Bikes and Scooters

Electric bikes and electric scooters are not permitted anywhere in New College’s buildings, including in residence rooms and the bike storage room, due to the risk of fire. This includes bikes with a removable battery.

Students are welcome to store their e-bike or e-scooter on the outdoor bike stands located around New College’s buildings. However, New College residents who would be using the bike stands as a long-term (daily) storage option should be cautious about the possibility of theft.

We recommend that New College residents do not bring e-bikes or e-scooters with them during their time in residence due to how challenging it is to find safe, convenient storage options downtown.

New College Amenities

New College offers a variety of amenities and programs that are available to both New College students and Fall-Winter residents.

If you have questions, contact the Office of Residence and Student Life at

Student Amenities

Body Works Studio

New College has a Body Works Studio in the basement of 45 Willcocks that can be used for dancing and other exercises.

1. Drop-In Access

Current New College commuter students and FallWinter residents can apply for drop-in access to the studio.

Drop-in is on a first-come, first-serve basis, and grants you one hour of guaranteed personal use.

You can apply for a drop-in amenities card using the form below:

2. Advance Booking

Current New College students and/or Fall-Winter residents can reserve the studio in advance for personal use by using the booking form below:

3. U of T Student Groups

If you are a recognized U of T student group that wants to run an event or program in the studio, contact the Student Life team at at least 10 business days before the requested booking. They will guide you through the program proposal process. Do not use the advanced booking form.

Exception: if you are a student group with New College members and you want to run a dance practice exclusively for people in your group, your New College members are welcome to access the room on your behalf using advanced booking or drop-in access.

Shoe Policies

Please help us protect the studio’s floor by respecting the following policies:

(1) No street shoes should be worn in the studio.
Please carry your shoes to the studio to prevent them from picking up bits of dirt and grit that will damage the floor.

(2) Shoes should be made of a non-marking material.
Try scraping the edge of the heel on a piece of white paper—if it leaves a mark, leave it at home.

If you notice your shoes leaving marks on the studio floor, please use other shoes or socks in the future.

(3) Use socks or wide-heeled, soft-soled shoes.
Hard-soled shoes can leave scuff marks and narrow heels can dent the floor. If you cannot make a dent in the sole of your shoes with your thumbnail, they are too hard.

Multi-Purpose Room

New College has a Multi-Purpose Room is in the basement of 45 Willcocks that has desks, chairs, and an A/V system. It can be used for studying, group projects, or similar activities, and can accommodate smudging.

1. Drop-In Access

Only current FallWinter residents can apply for drop-in access to the room.

Drop-in is on a first-come, first-serve basis, and grants you one hour of guaranteed personal use.

You can apply for a drop-in amenities card using the form below:

2. Advance Booking

Current Fall-Winter residents can reserve the room in advance for personal use by using the booking form below:

3. U of T Student Groups

If you are a recognized U of T student group, contact the Student Life team at at least 10 business days before the requested booking. They will guide you through the program proposal and room booking process.

Music Rooms

New College has music practice rooms in 45 Willcocks and Wilson Hall. The rooms contain pianos; other instruments are also welcome.

1. Drop-In Access

Current New College commuter students and FallWinter residents can apply for drop-in access to the music rooms.

Drop-in is on a first-come, first-serve basis, and grants you one hour of guaranteed personal use.

You can apply for a drop-in amenities card using the form below:

2. Advance Booking

If you have an amenities card (see “1. Drop-In Access”), you can make advance bookings by visiting the Wilson Hall Front Desk.

3. U of T Student Groups

The New College music rooms are not available to be booked by student groups.

Exceptions may be made for New College Student Centre groups. Please contact with more information about your request.

Study Spaces and Supports

Academic Supports

New College Arts & Science Students can access a variety of academic supports at the College. These include:

Lounge Spaces

Wilson Hall and Wetmore Hall both have 24-hour lounge spaces furnished with tables, chairs, and lounge seating. 45 Willcocks has a study room on each residence floor, as well as lounge spaces in the first floor Atrium, Gnu lounge in the basement, and the William Doo Auditorium steps.

The Donald G. Ivey Library

The Donald G. Ivey Library in Wilson Hall provides an excellent study space and a wheelchair-accessible computer lab. Services include:

  • 24-hour study space available to all New College students during exam periods;
  • 20 computer workstations that are open to all university members;
  • 2 New College Student Computer Labs, including 44 computer workstations reserved for New College students;
  • Bookable group study rooms;
  • Technology for loan at the circulation desk, including laptops, chargers, and microphones;
  • Black & white and colour printing;
  • Computers feature assistive technology Kurzweil 3000, JAWS text to speech, and ZoomText magnifier

Information about these services can be found on the Ivey Library website.

Ivey Library also houses the Women’s Studies collection, which is of international significance.

Student Life

New College offers extracurricular and co-curricular programming, experiential learning, community engagement and leadership development for residents and commuting students. This includes orientation, mentorship opportunities, and social experiences.

Residence Life

New College offers a variety of social, recreational, and educational events for residents. This includes programming by the Office of Residence and Student Life, the residence dons, and New College Residence Council.

For questions about residence at New College, contact:

Office of Residence and Student Life
40 Willcocks Street (second floor)
Phone: 416-978-8875