Congratulations to the NEW-est leaders of tomorrow

Class of 2023, the world is waiting for you!

On June 21, New College celebrated the hard work and dedication of over 1000 graduates as loved ones, faculty, staff, and the community cheered for their extraordinary achievement.   

In his message to the Class of 2023, Interim Principal of New College, Professor Dickson Eyoh, recognized the graduates’ resilience and strength as they navigated a unique undergraduate journey, “you worked tirelessly in your courses, brought energy and enthusiasm to student clubs and groups and built a community at New College. Your hard work and dedication have paid off.”

Two ceremonies were held for New College graduates at Convocation Hall on June 21. Graduates crossed the stage to receive their degrees and mark the end of their undergraduate journeys. “The future is promising because you will be the leaders moving us forward and as a member of our alumni community, we hope you will find ways to stay connected with New College. We will always be here to welcome you home,” Professor Eyoh shares.

Celebrations continued following the formal Convocation proceedings as our graduates and their loved ones were welcomed at Wilson Hall Lounge for refreshments, cake, live music, and the opportunity to connect with New College staff and faculty one last time. Collective memories, experiences and excitement of what is to come flowed through the lounge. And as the afternoon drew to a close, we said farewell to our NEW-est group of alumni and left them with one final message, “Continue to look for opportunities to learn and grow, stay curious, and ask questions. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. And most importantly, stay true to yourself and your values.”

Congratulations Class of 2023! The future awaits and we can’t wait to see where this next chapter takes you!

Check out some of the highlights from this spring’s convocation celebration:

2023 New College Spring Convocation Highlight

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